Monday 28 July 2014

Declare Your Medical Condition!

Research from Sainsbury’s Travel Insurance reveals that more than a quarter (27%) of holidaymakers who have enjoyed a trip overseas in the past two years had a serious or long term medical condition such as diabetes or a heart condition at the time. Of these travellers, 15% admitted they had not told their travel insurer about their condition and 11% said they only disclosed part of their medical history.

The research shows that 11% of people admitted to jetting off without taking out any travel insurance. The average medical claim while abroad is £1,088(1) therefore Sainsbury’s Travel Insurance is reminding holidaymakers of the importance of having a good quality travel insurance policy in place.

 Crucially, travellers with a pre-existing medical condition or illness should tell their insurer before they go. In the event of a medical emergency, those who have not disclosed a pre-existing medical condition could find their policy may not cover them for their claims relating to that illness.

Top ten countries where holidaymakers have claimed
Average cost of medical treatment in this country

1.           Spain  £1,194

2.           Greece £462

3.           USA  £2,851

4.           Turkey £1,290

5.           Cyprus  £925

6.           Egypt  £220

7.           France  £683

8.           Thailand  £1,363

9.           Portugal  £1,230

10.         Australia £727

Top 10 most common medical claims

Average claim amount (£)

 1.     Accident  £1,455

2.     Ear/Nose/Throat£371

3.     Stomach Conditions  £918

4.     Respiratory Conditions  £612

5.     Skin Conditions  £402

6.     Bites/Stings  £241

7.     Infectious Diseases  £361

8.     Dental  £282

9.     Heart  £5,817

10.  Eye  £374
What insurance company do you use?

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